The most annoying play I’ve come across

The majority of the time my facial expression stayed the same, genuinely annoyed with not only the characters we read about but also the actors in the play. Well, being completely honest, the real reason I was annoyed with the play was the actress who played Mariane and Mariane herself. It was like every time she came out and started wailing I would make Dwight’s face internally.


Like who even cries that loudly? And next to the mic of all things, I couldn’t hear the conversation because of her. It was pretty exaggerated. However, it was also kind of humorous to see that even the actors would be taken back. Mariane’s character represented a typical damsel in distress always obeyed fathers wishes, holding their tongue, and when upset throwing themselves on a nearby object to cry on. Reminds me of a Disney princess.


One saving grace however was Dorine’s commentary. She expresses the opinions I have when I see such drama. She on the other hand is very different to Mariane. She actually speaks her mind and doesn’t shy away from expressing what she wants. She guides Mariane and knocks sense into her when she’s acting like Ariel up there.  For the most part the only reason I somewhat enjoyed it was because Dorine would make snide comments that voiced my own thoughts on the events unfolding. She seems to be the most sensible one and the play wouldn’t be the same without her. It would be nothing more than a foolish family doing nothing, but going along with what the father dictates, which is what causes more unnecessary drama. So, every time Dorine would preach, I felt like this.

Mama Mia

But again, it got a bit annoying. She started to seem more like a rebellious daughter rather than an obedient maid. Overall the play was a story most of us have witnessed in real life. The idea that some person is only getting on our good side and manipulating us to get what they want: power, money, etc. Tartuffe is also seen in movies and TV shows, where you want to strangle them every time you know they are going to mess up a beautiful moment. Moral of the play, don’t trust snakes even the ones who dress in robes and are thought highly of. And trust your family! I mean why would they lie? What I find ironic is that Tartuffe follows the bibles teaching and so does Orgon yet in 1 John 4 it says “My dear friends, don’t believe everything you hear. Carefully weigh and examine what people tell you. Not everyone who talks about God comes from God. There are a lot of lying preachers loose in the world”.

Well, there’s nothing more to be said about that verse so…


Works Cited

Commonwealth School. Tartuffe: The Imposter. Performance by Commonwealth

Players, Youtube, Commonwealth School, 13 Dec. 2016,

Moliere. Tartuffe. Edited by John Berseth, Dover Publications, 2000.

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