Frankenstein in Today’s Society

For the most part there are many misconceptions about Frankenstein and the original story. This is because of the way Hollywood portrays the book. Some misunderstandings include Frankenstein being the name of the creature or the creature himself lacking basic knowledge and the ability to speak. I have never seen the movie Frankenstein and the closest I’ve ever been to viewing it was watching a trailer during commercials or hearing a jab at it during a show. Quite honestly I assumed that Frankenstein’s creature was some kind of killing machine who lacked cognition. That he simply killed to kill, like it was instinct.

cant help it

However, after reading the book I realized that he wasn’t what people made him out to be. In the book, he learned how to speak and go about life and was very aware of his situation. Despite his current reputation as being this ferocious creation, he actually had a heart. Well, longed for companionship. Then later on he turned “evil”. Subsequent to reading I also notice that we treat the creature similar to the way he was treated in the book…kind of. We assume that he’s this mistake who just brings suffering to the people around him. Obviously, it’s due to how he is presented to us, but it also raises an important question. Was he created that way: doomed to wreak havoc on the town? Are people born that way or is it because of the environment they were raised in or a specific experience that “flipped the switch”?


I felt really bad for the creature. Every time he would even approach a person, they would run him off because of his hideousness. In my opinion people aren’t born evil. I think there is something that turns them that way whether that be a lack of love, wanting power or even revenge, it all depends on the person. Frankenstein’s creature resembles a lot of modern day people and the rebellion that occurs in life. Although there are killers out there, I’m mainly talking about the kids who just make poor decisions in life. They chose a certain path because of being fed up or have tried everything and decided conforming to their “mold” is easier. Much like how Frankenstein decided to kill people since he was looked at as this monster and him constantly having to look in. He resented feeling that way and ultimately resented people in a way.


Frankenstein was just misunderstood much like many people nowadays. Some get bullied because of how different they are either in appearance or interests. I mean the moral of my take is to not judge a book by its cover. Something widely preached yet we all do it. There are many Frankenstein’s our there and although it is not to that extremity their issues do exist. People’s circumstances and environment shape who they are. The difference here is that Frankenstein had to learn about the world all on his own and what made it even more difficult was his frightening appearance. He was actually gentle and nice, but life (specifically people) turned him into a vengeful person much like many wronged people today.



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